Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts

Friday 8 March 2013

Double Page Spread: The Complete Redesign

I looked at my double page spread and I wasn't happy with it, I felt it didn't match the rest of the magazine and it wasn't something I was happy with, the colours were dingy and horrible, nothing really fitted together and it was quite boring. I took some inspiration from a few NME and Q magazine double page spreads, such as the Pete Doherty feature, the Lady Gaga double page spread and a few other slight influences and eureka moments to get to where it is, I felt this double page spread came together a lot easier than the rest of the magazine.

I think straight away comparing the old double page spread to the new one you can see a clear difference, I made sure I changed the background colour by fiddling around with the contrast and brightness settings in Photoshop  I also applied a crispy paper effect to make the image look more old but using layers and the opacity settings on the layer bar. That was the first main improvement, I also saw a trend with other double page spreads that already exist, that either they have a black or white box to contrast the text so I decided I would use that to split the page up and make the text stand out more than it already did. I also added some colour (cardinal red) because black and grey with one teal accent in the text is probably the most boring thing, and it also seems to be a trend with magazines at the moment, it makes it look sophisticated but interesting to read.

I made sure I changed everything I thought was wrong with the old photo, text, accent in the middle of the text, headline, the tag line underneath the headline and the missing page number on the bottom right. I gave the pages a brighter feel, because the dark colours didn't reflect what I originally wanted from the double page spread which was to feel like it was from the 70's, especially the image, which I feel I sorted with the paper opaque effect - for this I took a photo of old, ratty and dirty paper, layed it over the top of the image, then played with the opacity until it was right, overall I think it was a success and worked very well.

Another thing I also thought would be a great addition was to edit a Ramones logo, with the three lions instead of the eagle that the Ramones have, also instead of their names, I put Tom's name in. I think that it added to the feel of the football firm age music, the old style music which is what Tom actually plays - he's a guitarist interested in anything from the 60's, 70's and 80's, and especially in the 70's and 80's men took to the streets for their football club, Milwall and West Ham is the main rivalry that springs to mind.

Overall I am very pleased with how everything turned out, and it is a vast improvement on the previous double page spread, and I think it will be the final double page spread, I think also that the final sweep of final touches to every element of this magazine has improved it greatly overall, I'm very happy with how it came out and I will evaluate it in a later post.