Showing posts with label Tom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Music Magazine Photography

After visiting the college's photographic studio with Tom over several weeks I have all of the photography for my front cover, contents page and double page spread, and with some photoshop magic and some indesign work they will be intergrated perfectly into my pieces of work for this project, the images below are all taken by myself with the help of noone else, they will be my final pieces, this is after much trial and error in the studio at college, and after a great deal of time editing, and picking images till they are perfect for use. Overall I am quite impressed with how all of the images came out and will go through the process of creating my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread in indesign and other applications.

For the front cover I chose this low key (one flash black background photography) image which I feel left enough space for the masthead, coverlines and other codes and conventions of a magazine front cover. I felt that the black and white contrast of the image meant I could put in colour to create a house style colour scheme for my magazine. I also think that the image, with the one flash gun and the dark background gives it the mysterious effect, so a matching coverline could mean I lead the audience into the magazine to see who Tom is (Tom Kane for my magazine). Overall I am quite pleased with how this came out as it has left me open for development and ideas on the front cover, I don't feel I am constrained by anything with this image, maybe the choice of colour but I prefer the black and white older feel of the image.

For the contents page I'm not going to use much in the way of images because I am of the view that the contents page is all about the writing and being an information page, so the image above will only be small, maybe 1/5th of the page with writing surrounding it, I was going from the angle sort of like NME magazine, because their contents pages are quite wordy, but I feel that this is a good thing, and aren't wordy enough that the reader can't get their information. Seeing as this will only be a small, but key feature of my magazine I feel that it will fit in nicely with the colour scheme I am planning and the general layout of the page

For the double page spread I chose this image, then extended it's width and made the background the same colour all over, so it would be easy to put text over the image and also so the image fitted the page. I chose this image over the others because I feel so far the images have been fairly serious, so I thought that it made sense to have something a bit more fun - Tom covering his face with his shirt, I got the inspiration for this idea from a Q magazine front cover of Paul McCartney that was in circulation a few years ago, the image (below) I thought gave McCartney the image that he wasn't being serious because he didn't need to be, he has achieved everything he could have possibly done with the Beatles, and I wanted that sort of angle for the double page spread of Tom. I like the image but I feel if I was to re-shoot I would either make the background black or white as the grey colour doesn't really compliment text very well, either black or white, but overall I am quite pleased with how all my images came out and will be looking forward to designing all of the various parts of my magazine.