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Showing posts with label you. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Evaluation: Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Target Audience

For my magazine to attract and address my target audience of teenagers and young adults I have used several methods. The first is the use of people that are the target audience's age, this means that they can relate to them, it's a lot easier to support an artist and read about artists that are around your age, know what you go through and grow up with you rather than reading about rock stars who had fame years ago telling stories about what life was like when they were around.

It's about modern artists and modern music tastes which helps increase the appeal of the magazine to young people and teenagers. I'm aiming the magazine purely at teenagers and young people for this reason, there is a gap in the market for this genre of music and this type of music, and there are a lot of people this age that would be interested to read about this kind of music. With modern day phenomena like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter being the most popular websites for young people on the internet and Indie and Alternative genre music being increasingly popular on these formats, modern day bands that have utilised these formats would include the Arctic Monkeys and Bombay Bicycle Club as well as many other less well known bands, who use Facebook and similar sites to advertise their upcoming gigs and news, I feel that my magazine reflects and fits into this scene quite well with both the style of the magazine and the content, all of which address and attract the teenage and young person market.

To also attract and address the audience I made sure I included the key codes and conventions of any magazine to make sure that the magazine looked professional and the best it could possibly be. This included things like a clear Masthead and Coverlines that would appeal to the target audience - teenagers and young people, this meant including artists that covered the genre, such as Little Comets, a real band with a small fan base who's album (made up in this case) was featured on the cover, I also included my made up Indie artist -Tom Kane, who both sounds like an indie artist and dresses like one too. The image on the front cover, contents page and double page spread are very important to suit the genre, Tom, a good friend of mine and also a media student would describe his dress sense as fairly individual and independent, the key characteristics of an artist in the indie genre. Althogether this created a convincing magazine, one of which where all of the individual parts of the magazine came together and suited the genre perfectly.