Tuesday 18 December 2012

Proposal Of My College Magazine

I have a few initial ideas for my college magazine, overall the general idea for my magazine will be to make an individual, unique magazine that will stand out and appeal to the my target audience, teenagers who attend south downs college.

  • COLOUR SCHEME: As far as colours go I think that I will use turquoise, orange and white, fairly similar to 'College Magazine' featured in the last article. I hope that the orange, being in november will symbolise autumn, which is the season we are in!
  • FONTS: For the Masthead and Contents Title I am thinking of using 'BrainFlower' a font that is occasionally used in day to day life, but isn't overused, I think that it will give a fairly modern feel to the magazine, and be the kind of font that teenagers are familiar with, for the coverlines, date etc. I will use 'Nova Bold' which I have never seen used before, which makes me more inclined to use it, as I think both fonts together may not seem like they go at first but I think that they may compliment them if I use them in the right context with the correct font size. Another font I want to use, but more in the contents page than anything else will be 'Asmat 2007', I will use it for the title of the sections - regulars and features and the page numbers, I think that this will compliment the Nova font I will use in the main bulk of writing, giving the contents page a more professional effect.
  • COVER IMAGE: I will use a portrait I have taken of one of my friends Jack, a photography AS student, as he is a model student of this college (haha). Also it related back to the main coverline I have in mind as it will be about the AS photography trip to Kew Gardens.
  • IMAGES IN THE CONTENTS PAGE: As the magazine will feature a lot about photography of nature and it is spring I propose to use several images from the kew gardens trip and one that will look forward to next month - December, this will mean something Christmasy and something that will make the page featured stand out and make people want to turn to that page and read it, which is essentially what I want to happen with everything I do, but more so with contents with images. 
  • CONTENTS LAYOUT: I think initially it will involve more about playing around with various layouts rather than sticking to one idea, one of my ideas is to have a title and a small underline, then have a list of features and regulars below, with an image at the bottom.
Hopefully all of these factors will meet the targets of the task as well as meeting my expectations of what I am capable of. I will work to what I think is a fairly high standard for myself as I want this piece to be successful, but also something that I enjoy working, so it will incorporate a lot of my work, and also incorporate a lot of things that interest me, and what I think will look effective and create a well thought out and well presented college magazine

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