Both of the
images above are the final versions of my front cover and contents page
if you hadn't already guessed! After all of the planning and drafting I
finished my magazine cover and contents page for the preliminary task.
On the whole I'm quite pleased with it, there are several things that if
I did it again I would change, for example I spent a lot of time trying
to work out what to use to link the image with the text in the contents
page, and I also forgot to include the page number in the top image,
the best I could come up with was arrows for the link, but I don't think
that this worked that well.
far as the front cover goes I think I met my standards and was
unusually creative with the cover-lines and choice of font. I don't
think there would be much I would change with the front cover, maybe the
shape of which the cover-lines formed. Overall I think that this
preliminary task was a success and has let me have a snapshot as to what
to do for my Music Magazine, the final task, and then what to avoid.
Great! I really like the design of your front cover and contents page and think that it is much more fluid now that the fonts are the the same. Good photography skills and the style feels punch and fresh.