Thursday 7 March 2013

Inspiration For My Magazine

There were several things that influenced the look of my magazine front cover and the house style of the magazine, one magazine in particular 'The Albion' BMX magazine is one that was always in the back of my head when I designed all of the individual bits of my magazine, although the link isn't strongly present, I wanted my magazine to look as much like the albion magazine as I possibly could, this didn't work so I went to plan b, and all of the results shown on this blog is the plan b, which isn't always a bad thing.

the font for the front cover masthead ‘CRDNL’ is a slightly different font of that used in ‘The Albion’ BMX magazine, I like the way that the Albion is set out, especially as most of the things they do as a magazine is different, for example the paper quality is second to none, some of the best paper I’ve ever read off in a magazine, it’s more like card than paper, it’s a free magazine, profit comes purely from advertising, and the way it is layed out, the front cover hasn’t to my knowledge ever been just a photo, usually an elaborate cartoon, or one of the latest issues was a map which was put over a street with BMX ride-able spots on it, The map came from a torched car, which was burnt while a few guys rode an indoor skatepark up north, the map was the only thing that remained, and it’s small anecdotes like this that make me like The Albion even more of an experience. Overall even though the style of my magazine and The Albion are totally different I think the use of the font which appears to be quite similar (the font in my magazine is ‘Theano Didot’ and in The Albion it is ‘Albion Didot’) worked quite successfully.

Another magazine which I feel had an influence, this time on my contents page is NME magazine, I liked the way that it managed to squeeze so much information into one page without it looking desperately cluttered, it also matched the rest of the magazine quite nicely, which is why I decided to take some sort of layout from this and alter it to fit my magazine, overall I am quite happy with how it turned out. I think I might make a few changes to the contents page, alter the placing of a few things and make a few things more obvious, but overall I am quite happy with how it all turned out.

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