Wednesday 6 March 2013

Contents Page Editing

(old on the left, the updated version on the right)
With my front cover I turned my attention to the contents page, I wasn't happy with the bottom left corner, I felt the social network logos and various other things to do with the contents page didn't really fit, instead I added in an image I took originally for my photography work but never got round to using it and turned it into the 'Miles Of The Month' regulars section. I also changed the advert in the bottom right corner for subscription to the magazine, I felt that it didn't fit in with the rest of the column so I reduced the font size of a lot of things and squeezed everything in.

Overall I think it is a big improvement on the previous version and I think this is the version I will use as my final contents page for the music magazine, I think the colour co-ordination of orange for regulars and red for features meant I could contrast different sections of the magazine, I also think that the contents compliments the front cover with the colours, fonts and everything else, I made sure that everything matched to keep the 'house style' the same.

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